Employer Internship Inquiry Form

Please see the Employer Guidelines for information regarding the internship program. If you would like to view a sample of a posting, you may use this one

Please contact Charles Kaufman (ck17@txstate.edu) for any questions regarding the Employer Internship Inquiry Form.

Please select the primary category this internship falls under. You may select more than one but please try to be as specific as possible: *
We are now allowing remote/work-from-home internships. Please indicate if this is (or could be) a remote/WFH internship. *
Would you be willing to consider SJMC graduate students in addition to undergraduate SJMC students? *

Information Required for Posting

In order to evaluate and potentially post/promote your internship opportunity to students we ask that you provide a detailed job description which contains the following items:

  • Your Company Logo
  • Company Name, Address and URL
  • Title of Internship Position
  • Duration (ex: for a specific semester or recurring/ongoing)
  • Length of Internship (number of weeks or months or hours)
  • Job Description
  • Preferred/Required Qualifications
  • Compensation (does not have to be paid in order to be approved)
  • Application Instructions (email, web form, etc.)
  • Any additional contact information that might be useful for the intern applicant
Allowed file types: Word Doc or PDF
By checking the box below you are confirming that this internship opportunity will meet the SJMC Employer Guidelines: *
(A minimum of 180 hours for a 3-hour course; 150 hours for a 2-hour course, and 100 hours for a 1-hour course.)